Waterproofing Contractors Chennai | Dr Fixit
Waterproofing Contractors Chennai A common problem water enters the building from the exterior wall the cause of this is often a missing or faulty exterior waterproofing the consequence moisture in extreme cases even flowing water penetrates the wall and enters the living space this moisture transports destructive salts into the building and creates a moist musty and unhealthy environment to repair a defective exterior basement waterproofing it would seem easiest to excavate the wall this type of repair is often not viable because an excavation is either too expensive or laborious the solution an easy method and economical alternative is to work from the inside with a negative waterproofing kirsta n b1 grey was developed to reliably waterproof mineral substrates like masonry and concrete even from the negative side it contains ingredients that react with the moisture in the wall as well as the components of the substrate to produce crystals that block the pores kirsta n b1 grey penetrates into the substrate and so becomes an integral part of the wall that blocks water transmission while remaining open to vapor diffusion kirsta n b1 grey will not detach from the substrate the expected lifespan of the waterproofing is as long as the building itself old moist plaster must be completely removed the wall must be freed of loose particles and cleaned in areas where flowing water can enter the building or where water stands on or weep’st and the wall kirsta KD to blitz powder is used to stop the active leakages and seal the wall this one-of-a-kind highly reactive powder reacts immediately with water active leakages can be stopped within seconds a dejan reducing coatings on the floor such as paints have to be removed and smooth surfaces roughened to achieve an optimal addition to the mineral substrate absorptive or salt contaminated substrates must be primed with kirsta poly silty g500 it solidifies the masonry and locks in the salts using curse to repair mortar plus a rounded fill it is installed to protect the waterproofing in the wall floor Junction from damaged holes and other surface defects are filled to provide a smooth and uniform substrate for the waterproofing the mineral waterproofing slurry kirsta n b1 gray is mixed and applied with a brush or appropriate spraying equipment in two layers it is important to apply the material evenly and to work it in all directions to fill all holes and to guarantee complete coverage each fresh layer is hardened by immediately spraying it with kirsta poly silty g500 kirsta poly silty g500 speeds the curing reaction of the slurry and improves the mechanical resilience of the coating the mineral waterproofing slurry kirsta nb1 gray is tested to resist a water pressure of 13 bar has drinking water certification is resilient to chlorides and sulfides cell fills micro cracks due to these characteristics kirsta NB one gray is a very versatile material that can be used for example in basements shafts tunnels drinking water tanks and silos you can find all the important information in the system brochure negative side waterproofing systems for masonry and concrete for further information visit our website at www.hrsbuildingcare.com